What Legend of Korra Villain are you?

This quiz will tell what villain you are in The Legend of Korra. You can get Zaheer, Kuvira, Unalaq, or Amon! What choices you select will matter in this quiz.

Are you ready for this quiz? Please tell in Korra5656’s Roblox account. Please also include me as your friend if want to see me in Roblox. Hope you enjoy this quiz!!!!!!

Created by: Korra5656
  1. What is your goal?
  2. What personality is yours?
  3. What special power would you want?
  4. What is your base?
  5. What people would help you?
  6. Do you like this quiz so far?
  7. If the Avatar stood in your way, what would you do?
  8. What type of bending do you want to control?
  9. What villain do you like?
  10. Are you eager towards getting the results?

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Quiz topic: What Legend of Korra Villain am I?
