What Left 4 dead character are you?

This quiz decides what left 4 dead character are you. You start of at your job and suddenly you and your friends are in the middle of a full-scale zombie academic. Will you survive? will you be Francis,Bill,Zoey or Louis? it's up to you

Taking this quiz will help you decide what character you want to be in Left 4 dead, Zoey, Bill, Francis or Louis. It's up to you to decide. I hope you enjoy my quiz, i have one other quiz "What call of duty Finest Hour character are you?quiz" if you enjoy this one and want to take another of my quizes

Created by: dickmunch
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your at your job wen all of a sudden you hear screaming and shouting, one of your fellow co-workersis being bitten by someone. Where do you work?
  2. You are horrified. You look around and see more people being bitten and eaten by other people. What do you do?
  3. There's to many of them, you decide to leave. You see a helicopter about to take off, you race towards it. Suddenly a "Tank" starts running at you. What do you do?
  4. You trip over and the tank is almost at you, suddenly three of your friends come out of nowhere and start shooting the tank. As it dies they lead you into a room with guns and first-aid. What gun do you take?
  5. You and your friends leave the room and start walking down a street when all of a sudden a special infected jumps out in front of you. What is it?
  6. Unfortunly it killed one of your friends, you feel so sad you have to sit down. You sit on a car and it suddenly sets a alam of. What do you do?
  7. Thousands of zombies start running around the corner heading for you and your friends, You see a pipebomb and a molotov on the ground. Which one do you use?
  8. It works! But all of a sudden a Hunter jumps through the croud of zombies and pounces on one of your friends. What do you do?
  9. Your friend has sustained heavy wounds, you all know what needs to be done.
  10. It's just you and your friend now, you walking and you see the chopper from eariler. Both of you run towards it but suddenly another tank comes, what do you do?

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Quiz topic: What Left 4 dead character am I?