What kindof a ninja are YOU!?!

There are smart people, but few are true geniuses. Whatever. I don't have much to say. This is funny. I tried to copy teh examples but it wouldn't let me so I'm just writing about how I copied it.

This ending part is stupid. I tried to copy the paragraph 2 example but it told me to write something original. Happy? I did. Now that you guys are all done, continue your good work.

Created by: Zackywackyyo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  2. If you could have any super power, you would pick ____________.
  3. You would kiss ________ for 10 bucks.
  4. Do you like to dance?
  5. Which is your favorite?
  6. If you had to kill the president, you would
  7. How would you kill a man?
  8. Which rocks your socks?
  9. Which is better?
  10. Favorite animal?
  11. Final question, did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What kindof a ninja am I!?!