What Kinda Horse Personality Are You

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Whats your inner horsey personality find out now its a friendly fun quiz don't get mad folks its just a quiz....be funny pick what you want so be random

Are you a horse find out now its super fun and awesome don't be afraid to put down the real you or just have a heck lot of fun so be random enough to make me cry.

Created by: Elika

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what do you do on your off days...
  2. your fave food is....
  3. what is your perfect winter day...
  4. whats your fave music
  5. your fave horse treat....
  6. fave horse movie....
  7. your dream horse would be....
  8. your fave horse book is....
  9. Say your a horse your owner worked you into a lather you....
  10. You want to go the beach your friend wants to go hiking what do you do....

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Quiz topic: What Kinda Horse Personality am I