What Kind Of Z Are You?

If you were a Nissan Fairlady which one would you be? Would it be the S30? S130? Z31? Z32 or Z33??? Keen to find out? Are you a turbocharged performance vehicle or naturally aspirated? Well what'ya waiting for?!

I know you like the Z's, but which Z fits your personality the most? Could it be the S30? S130? Z31? Z32 or Z33??? Are you a turbocharged performance vehicle or naturally aspirated? Care to find out?!

Created by: Paulson

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your BMI?
  2. How much did it cost to prepare last nights dinner?
  3. Come to think of it, every time it rains you find yourself...
  4. Looking at my wardrobe, I see.
  5. One of your work mates just got a pay rise. He says "Lets go to the strip club!" You respond by:
  6. You are required to sign at least one event for Athletics day. What would it be?
  7. You decide to bake a cake, all you need now is flour and you head down the supermarket. You will choose one based on.
  8. Music
  9. Looking at my laundry, most of them are.
  10. Lastly, which Z do you want to be?

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Z am I?