What Kind of Wrestler are You?

Wrestling is the creme de la creme of Sports entertainment! Everyone at one point dreams of being involved with right?....................................

What kind of Wrestler are you? Are you destined for the Hall of Fame or a silly, forgetable Jobber? FIND OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Indiana Jones
  1. Your first day as a WWE Superstar/Diva you...
  2. Will you be good or evil?
  3. What is your gimmick?
  4. What is your entrance music like?
  5. Your best wrestling friend just won the World Title... you...
  6. Would you have a career long feud (like Undertaker vs Kane)?
  7. Would you want to be in a Tag Team?
  8. You have won your last series of matches, what title do you set your sights on?
  9. What Pay Per View do you wish to appear on?
  10. Finally, you decide to retire, how do you go about it?

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Wrestler am I?