What kind of wolf are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of wolf are you?
Your Result: Arctic Wolf 86%
resultArctic wolves are beautiful animals who are native to the Canadian arctic. Because of their white fur, they blend in excellently to their snowy environment. They have two layers of thick fur, which allows them to stay warm even in the cold. Not a lot is known about arctic wolf behavior, because they are elusive and hard to track in their frozen climate. However, the arctic wolf is said to be very brave, and unafraid of people.
66% Eastern Wolf
60% Ethiopian Wolf
56% Red Wolf
54% Tibetan Wolf
50% Gray Wolf
40% Northwestern Wolf
18% Mexican Wolf
6% Eurasian Wolf
6% Indian Wolf -
Your Result: Ethiopian Wolf 77%
resultEthiopian wolves are beautiful animals who are native to the Ethiopian highlands. Because of their appearance, they are often mistake for coyotes or jackals. They are an endangered species, and live on a isolated mountain range. Ethiopian wolves are small in size, but have long legs which allow them to run very fast. They are a rusty red color, with white fur on the throat, chest, and belly. Ethiopian wolves are social animals, with big family's. They are one of the few wolf species that is most active during the day. They also rarely hunt in packs unlike other wolves.
74% Red Wolf
36% Eastern Wolf
34% Indian Wolf
30% Northwestern Wolf
22% Mexican Wolf
11% Gray Wolf
10% Tibetan Wolf
3% Eurasian Wolf
3% Arctic Wolf -
What kind of wolf are you?
Your Result: Eastern Wolf 80%
resultEastern wolves are beautiful animals who are native to North America. They are also known as the deer wolf, algonquin wolf or the eastern timber wolf. They are medium sized, and prey on white tailed deer, but can also take down moose. The Eastern wolf is considered a threatened species, because of a population decline. They are described as a lightly built animal with long legs, as opposed to the bulkier gray wolf. They have a gray-ish brown color with lighter markings. Like other wolf species, they are social animals that will defend their pack no matter what. They form close family bonds and mate for life.
66% Red Wolf
60% Ethiopian Wolf
54% Northwestern Wolf
52% Arctic Wolf
52% Mexican Wolf
40% Gray Wolf
36% Tibetan Wolf
6% Eurasian Wolf
6% Indian Wolf -
Eastern Wolf 88%
resultEastern wolves are beautiful animals who are native to North America. They are also known as the deer wolf, algonquin wolf or the eastern timber wolf. They are medium sized, and prey on white tailed deer, but can also take down moose. The Eastern wolf is considered a threatened species, because of a population decline. They are described as a lightly built animal with long legs, as opposed to the bulkier gray wolf. They have a gray-ish brown color with lighter markings. Like other wolf species, they are social animals that will defend their pack no matter what. They form close family bonds and mate for life.
Your Result: Northwestern Wolf 91%
resultNorthwestern wolves are beautiful animals who are native to North America up to Alaska. They are sometimes referred to as the "Rocky Mountain Wolf". Northwestern wolves are the largest wolf specie and are described as having a robust build and and short legs. Their fur can either be black, white, gray, or tan. They have big packs full of six to ten wolves, that are a close family and defend each other from attacks.
Name: Claw
Gender: Female
Species: Red wolf
Rank: Alpha
Mate: Silent(Grey wolf, Male)Pups: Termite(Red wolf, Male), Flame(Red wolf, Male), Crystal(Grey wolf, Female), Screech(Red/Grey wolf mix, Male)
Pack name: N/A
Message: New pack, looking for Omegas that are willing to join.
Pack name: ClawPackMessage: New pack, looking for loners that are willing to join(Forgot the true meaning of an Omega. )
Pack Name: SilentClaws -
Edit(Yes again!):
Pack Name: Silent Breeze -
omega's ore the weakest wolves in the pack
and i will join my name is aarmau but my nickname is fai
Ima join! My name's nightshade, I'm an Arctic Wolf. My mates dead and I have 2 pups,one named Storm and the other named Dawn
I'm Angel
Mexico wolves are beautiful animals who are native to New Mexico, Texas, and northern Mexico. They're smaller than other wolf species, and have dark fur that is yellow-ish gray and black. They are highly social, and form close family bonds. Their long legs allow them to run very fast and to catch prey. Mexican wolves are the most endangered wolf in America, after being hunted by humans for so long. Unfortunately, the species is still being hunted by illegal poachers, but hopefully the species will survive.
70% Ethiopian Wolf
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66% Red Wolf
62% Arctic Wolf
62% Eurasian Wolf
40% Indian Wolf
40% Gray Wolf
18% Tibetan Wolf
14% Eastern Wolf
Hi! I Am a wolf who lives in america. i have a pack of 14. With More Girls than boys. I don't have a mate yet. My Name is Moon, of course!i love space. I am a northwestern wolf. PLS Join My Pack! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i will join my name is spirit ;P
i will join meh name is lunar and i'm a gray wolf
i will join my name is starlight and i am a Eastern Wolf
im ash im a female notherwasten wolf and i would be glad to join
I am wolfy I am north west wolf(it is my real name no questions okay And i am a wolf because i get sharp teeth at night get furry and howls and my eyes glow)
Im a wolf who lives in Indiana I have reddish fur and Im starting a pack.my name is fang
My name is Midnight I am male wolf with reddish fur
Living in Kentucky near Indiana
Looking for pack.
i am a Mexican wolf and i love all wolves but the Mexican wolves are jest more like me
Cool quiz mate
north west wolf
Red wolf AWWOOOO
Want to join my pack I do not care if you are differnt because I am a real wolf and my name is wolf
Gray wolf awooooooooooooooo
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