what kind of wizard/witch are you

There are many different kinds of people . There are muggles , muggle - borns , half - blood , and Pure - bloods . There are alot of differences , but in some ways the same .

Now you can find out if you are a muggle , muggle - born , half-blood , or pure - blood by taking this quiz . In just a few minutes you'll find out !

Created by: Jeremy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like ...
  2. Which Ability is best for you
  3. How do you travel by
  4. What is your favorite after school enrichment
  5. Do you play quidditch , if so what position
  6. What is your hogwarts House
  7. ABCD...
  8. what drink
  9. Lace Case
  10. What potion or charm

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Quiz topic: What kind of wizard/witch am I