What kind of wizard are you

Did you ever feel a strange attraction to wizards. If you take this quiz you will find out kind of wizard you really are.

If you take this quiz you will find what your inner wizard is that will determine what kind of person you are.

Created by: andrew webber

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It's a late night what do you choose to do.
  2. what kind of music do you like
  3. what is your favorite animal
  4. what is your favorite wepon
  5. what is your favorite color
  6. what is your favorite element
  7. what would you rather have
  8. what do you think of your self as
  9. how would you want to die
  10. what do you think life is about

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Quiz topic: What kind of wizard am I