What kind of werewolf are you?

Created by: valerie

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your laying in the grass all happy and a pup bites your tail you do ...
  2. you find a werewolf tracking a little girl you ...
  3. you see a family having a picnic and a basket is in the perfect for the takeing but the family has a bigger basket in hand you ...
  4. if you can pick what dream you have what will it be?
  5. you find a hurt squirrel you ...
  6. a FIRE you are runing away but hear a wine from the same pup that bit your tail that day you ...
  7. you are on your first hunt and the elder tells you to kill a kitten and bring if back you ...
  8. you and a few of the pack are hunting for dear but you ate a poison berry it wont kill you but adds a big problem to hunting you lose the dear one of the pack picks on you saying (and you call yourself a werewolf paa) you ...
  9. you see a hunter about to kill a squirrel what do you do?
  10. if you were a human what is the first thing you do?
  11. you find a child in the cold night shivering in the cold what do you do

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Quiz topic: What kind of werewolf am I?