what kind of vegetarian are you?

what kind of vegetarian are you/are youu a vegetarian???

are YOUa vegetarian, if so, what kind???

Created by: okami
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you eat chickens?
  2. do you eat fish?
  3. do you eat red meat?
  4. do you eat dairy?
  5. do you eat eggs
  6. ok RP time, you go your friends thanksgiving party to find all of the food is meat. what do you do?
  7. you see a group of teenages eating KFC and beating up a pullet with clubs! how do you react?
  8. you see a hunter putting on a dogfight on the eage of town.
  9. you drive past a slaughterhouse. you are thinking . . .
  10. ok, end of the quiz now, bye!

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Quiz topic: What kind of vegetarian am I?