what kind of vegetable r u

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you think ur mad cool>>> do u wanna be america's next top fruit nujjet?? well look no further we are here to help u out and guide u to club penguin quiz goodness

fck female doges get the pecunia?? ball is lyf i dedicate that to my homeboy pope benedict xii yo okay cool so next time u better think before u cheat

Created by: alomost_rad
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. u see one fine booty while u walking 'round town with ur pet alamo. what do
  2. ur mom said that ur lamer then a hampster scuba diving inside a whale's blowhole what do
  3. what comes after q
  4. u find flubber on the street what do u do
  5. u see a crab and it's about to pinch your tummy what do
  6. what rhymes with than
  7. someone mysterious knocks at your door what do you say
  8. how do u can a yam??
  9. what one describes u more
  10. jim bob boy txts u that he wants to play catch with u wat do u say

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