What kind of Third-Positionist are you?



Created by: Baboup
  1. Capitalism is in it's current form, as of today, a good and beneficial system.
  2. Communism, in practise, not theory, has been a disaster for humanity.
  3. With whom of the following people do you identify yourself the most with?
  4. With which of the following Third-Positionist Movements/Organizations do you identify yourself the most?
  5. Do you believe in racial equality?
  6. Culture matters more than ethnicity.
  7. What seperates us from animals?
  8. Private property is an attribute of humanity.
  9. The idea of tightly-knit communes as regional administration is great.
  10. We should try and cooperate with the ruling class.

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Quiz topic: What kind of Third-Positionist am I?
