What kind of Teach Firster are you?

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Teach First is a national charity full of dedicated and passionate people, all working towards a future when no child's educational success is limited by their socio-economic background.

The people who join Teach First are as diverse as their reasons for doing so, but what sort of Teach First Teacher are you? Take the quiz to find out.

Created by: Teach First
  1. What University did you attend?
  2. What type of school did you go to
  3. What region did you choose as your first placement option?
  4. why did you join Teach First
  5. How do you get to work?
  6. Which knot do you use for a tie?
  7. What newspaper do you read?
  8. What is your opinion of Michael Gove?
  9. What is your approach to behaviour management.
  10. What is your opinion on the knowledge vs skills debate.

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Quiz topic: What kind of Teach Firster am I?