What Kind of Sweater Are You?

Sweaters are awesome. You can put them on and even wear them and stuff like that. LOL you probably won't even read this anyway, dude. Yeah sweaters rock.

Which sweater are you? The kind that looks cool or maybe the one that looks good on you idk mah dudes broooo haha I love you guys shout out to Mr bean and Mark rober

Created by: CaitlinSnow
  1. Favorite place.
  2. Favorite colors to wear.
  3. Favorite animal.
  4. Favorite movie genre.
  5. Favorite shoe.
  6. Pick a word to describe yourself.
  7. Pick a food.
  8. Pick a weather.
  9. Pick a chair.
  10. Finally, what's your favorite kind of sweater?

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Sweater am I?
