What Kind Of Star Wars Character Are You (updated)

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This is a update version of the other test that I made, so if you want a specific character this still is not right and you should try something else.

Remember to answer honestly. If you don't answer honestly this test means nothing. People have no way of seeing your answers and you answers will be completely private.

Created by: TylerMega
  1. Are you good in a leadership position?
  2. Would you steal for your survival?
  3. Do you like the feeling of being in a uniform?
  4. What you you prefer as a weapon?
  5. What is your favorite kind of stormtrooper by looks (you may have to look some up)
  6. If you could sell ALL of your stuff for two times the price of all the stuff combined and not get them back would you?
  7. Do you think that if the empire took control of the galaxy things would be more peaceful than if the war continued?
  8. Where would you like to be?
  9. What are you comfortable having on in battle?
  10. Honestly, what side of the force do you think is more powerful and useful in a fight.

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Star Wars Character am I (updated)
