What kind of sock are YOU?? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of sock are YOU??

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  • Your Result: Comfy White Cotton Low Rise Sock

    You are the average sock. And you're probably happy about it. There isn't much about you that really makes you that different from the rest of the sock population and you probably are liked by a lot of people. You might think highly of yourself to the point that you don't realize that you aren't really better than other socks but you also might be very down-to-earth. Try to discover what makes you different and work from there.

    true dat. i think. kinda/maybe/idr.... ....

    Puppy xo1
  • This quiz was wrong. I'm not the odinary person. I stand out and like weird things. I still care about what others think of me a little. But I have 2 questions. 1 I love to skate, but my parents make me wear skirts. People think i'm weird and stupid for skating in skirts, what should i do? 2 is wear can I fing funky tomboy clothing in Las Vegas?

  • im not average or ordinary i stick out easily im emoish ilike skated boarding. i wear skinys im the only one out of my grade who does

  • Comfy White Cotton Low Rise Sock.
    haha yeeeeyeee :]


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