What Kind of Satanist Are You?

Think you're a true Satanist? Take this and find out!! -this space being used to take up space rule. - -this space also being used to take up space rule. -

Are you a Satanist? Anarchist? Poser? Take this and find out! -this space being used to take up space rule. - -this space also being used to take up space rule. -

Created by: Carl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the Satanic Bible?
  2. Who created Humans?
  3. Why are we here?
  4. How many Crown Princes of Hell are there?
  5. Your girlfriend/boyfriend breaks up with you. What do you do?
  6. Of the following, which is easiest to learn?
  7. True or False: Satanism is about blood sacrifice, causing chaos, and being "evil"
  8. Which of the following is the Crown Prince associated with the "Morning Star"?
  9. If someone pisses you off, you should:
  10. How old is Satanism?
  11. What is Satan?

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Satanist am I?