What kind of Regime would you lead?

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Would you be a dictator? How about an anarchist? If you want to know what kind of leader you would be, take this quiz. It is perfect for people aspiring to take over the world to find out what their regime will be like!

To take this quiz, select the answer that you prefer. If you hate them all, just pick the least detestable one. Then, you will receive your results and you will be able to predict your government.

Created by: Tom
  1. Without democracy, a country has nothing.
  2. There are revolutionaries trying to overthrow your government. What do you do?
  3. A regime in one of you allies has been replaced with a system that you hate. You:
  4. Select your preferred choice out of these:
  5. Which country is your favorite?
  6. Someone tries to assasinate you. What is their sentence?
  7. People should respect authority.
  8. Voting should be by proportional representation.
  9. Should the state be allowed to regulate media? For example, can websites be censored for obscene postings?
  10. Schools should only teach proven facts to their students.

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