What kind of rabbit are you?

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my quiz is purely there for fun, exitment and joy and also for a true laugh, these are true facts though, it was so fun creating it and thinking of diffrent things.

Are you going to find out what rabbit you should be. if so this is the perfect quiz/poll for you just click go and enjoy the journy/ride or you could call it a website!

Created by: Hollie Short
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like vegetables?
  2. what colour am i?
  3. what kind of ears do i have?
  4. what kind of ears do i have?
  5. What is your favourite food
  6. time to cut your nails
  7. what would you do in your spare time?
  8. what do you like to nibble on?
  9. what is your favourite trick?
  10. where do you hang out

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Quiz topic: What kind of rabbit am I?