What Kind Of Perfume Are You?

There are many people in this world who act and think they are something they are not. What do you consider your self? LUCKY? A FANTASY? Or just plain FOXY?

What Scent are you? Do you think you are who you say you are? You can only wonder. But thanks to my SCENT quiz you can find out if your LUCKY, or in a FANTASY or just FOXY? Take my quiz and you will find out!

Created by: Nikkie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What kinda outfit do you prefer to wear when you go out?
  2. What do you do before you go to bed?
  3. What is your Favorite alcoholic drink?
  4. What's your favorite acces.?
  5. What's your idea for a meal?
  6. What kinda pet you like?
  7. What color is your hair?
  8. Who is your favorite Train wreck?
  9. What's your favorite clothing brand?
  10. What kind of purse would you carry?

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Perfume am I?