What kind of pretty are you (GIRLS ONLY)

What sort of pretty are you. Girly? Just normal? Come on take this quiz to find out (Girls only please) Thanks. What sort of pretty are you. Girly? Just normal? Come on take this quiz to find out (Girls only please) Thanks

What sort of pretty are you. Girly? Just normal? Come on take this quiz to find out (Girls only please) Thanks. What sort of pretty are you. Girly? Just normal? Come on take this quiz to find out (Girls only please!) Thanks!"

Created by: Chinga

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It is the day your little baby sister/brother has been born . Your mother said she is going to go to a restraunt to celebrate with you.
  2. What sort of style do you prefer?
  3. What are you friends like?
  4. What colours do you like.
  5. When you go to school you...
  6. On a normal weekend Do you wear?
  7. What is your Gender? (IMPORTANT: If you are a male you cannot continue this is a girl quiz)
  8. What is your Hair colour? (Or what is it closet too?
  9. Do you ever do you hair specially and paint your nails and have makeovers?
  10. Do you like this quiz?
  11. Will you comment and rate?
  12. Thanks for taking my quiz!
  13. Say a 2 words.
  14. I am just about to show you the results !
  15. Bye, The end of my quiz

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Quiz topic: What kind of pretty am I (GIRLS ONLY)