what kind of pretty are you?

There are lots of people who are beautiful but have you ever wondered how pretty you are? Take this quiz to find out. You will have fun if you do! It will be cool.

It's really easy to play all you need to do is answer the questions given. If you really want to know how pretty you are this quiz is sure to tell you!

Created by: Joanna
  1. Are you popular?
  2. What's your favourite flower?
  3. Are you intelligent?
  4. What's your favourite Disney film?
  5. Where are you from?
  6. On a scale from one to six how geeky are you?
  7. What's your favourite genre of animal? I.e panther would be in the cat section.
  8. What is your favourite game?
  9. Do you have glasses/contact lenses?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What kind of pretty am I?