What kind of pet are you?

Do you always argue about which pet you want? Well this quiz tells you which type of pet mostly suits you. Hopefully this would calm the argument a bit more. Maybe all of you can do this and see the majority.

I can't make you but this is a great quiz even if you think question nine is silly and stupid. I won't tell you what it is. Find out yourself!!! Well suit yourself if you don't want to do this. You are missing the fun not me!! 😆😆

Created by: Andrea
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you selfish or selfless?
  2. If you have a toy and your sister wants it would you share it?
  3. Do you like hugs?
  4. Would you give a treasure or something precious to a great or a friend that saved your life?
  5. Do you like pets?
  6. Lalala dodo
  7. Back to serious stuff. Do you like to exercise ?
  8. Are you quiet?
  9. Do you get bored often?
  10. How are you feeling?

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Quiz topic: What kind of pet am I?