What kind of person are you?

Peolpe often put others in a class Jock, Geek, Emo/Rocker, or techer/boss pet. But do you know what you are? This quiz will tell you! Do you love sports? Are you a teck person? Do you like being alone/ in a band? Do you follow you bosses lead? Find out here!

Are you a Jock? Geek? Emo/Rocker? Techers/Boss pet? This quiz will be very blunt so really dig deep in to this quiz because it will tell you what you really are insted of what you think/feel you are, see what others think you are here.

Created by: Michala
  1. Do you like to be outside (playing sports e.t)
  2. Do you like teck things?
  3. Do you like to rock out/ be a loner
  4. Do you like to be told to do things?
  5. Do you have fans like in sports events that cheer you on?
  6. Do you have a gameing rep? Or a teck rep?
  7. Do you have a gameing rep? Or a teck rep?
  8. Are you in a band? Or Love rock,metal,or hard rock etc.
  9. Do you follow your boss/techers every movement,words, or/and work?
  10. What do you think you are

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Quiz topic: What kind of person am I?