What kind of person are you?

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People don't know who they are dating. Do you know who you are dating? Question. Do you even know who you are yourself? Well this is the perfect quiz that you, your boyfriend/girlfriend, your friends, etc. can take to figure out who you are.

What kind of person are you? Are you a player? Someone who takes advantage of people who want a relationship. A user? Someone who only wants to date you until they find someone better. The girl or guy for someone else? A hurt person, but the girl or guy for someone else? Or are you a loner who will take longer time to love than others.

Created by: jacharity

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are at a party. You thinks it's a bust and you are about to leave until you see a beautiful girl/handsome guy that walks into the party. You...
  2. You go to the movie as a date with the person from the party. You..
  3. They had a great time with you. They want to go on another date with you. Your answer is...
  4. You come over to surprise your date/friend. Their hotter sister/brother answers the door. You...
  5. You promise to go on a date with your date/friend. You forgot to reserve something. You...
  6. She/you are prengnant. You...
  7. She/he decide to ask you to marry them. You say...
  8. You're engaged. You guys are about to move in with each other in three months. You say...
  9. You move in together and are married. You...
  10. The baby is born. You...

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Quiz topic: What kind of person am I?