What kind of person are you?

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this is honestly only my point of view! DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY! I PROBABLY DONT KNOW YOU! AGAIN DONT TAKE IT PERSONALLY! and this is just for girls

r u mean? r u amazingly wonderful? do u bore people?do u make people laugh? this quiz is *girls only* do to some questions! so guys go away ur yucky i want to throw rocks at u!

Created by: Veronica
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. quick someone you don't really like asks you out you...
  2. would u be my best bud?
  3. pick a color
  4. do u like this quiz?
  5. do u hate math like everyone else in the world?
  6. say something!
  7. too many questions?
  8. yum?
  9. if u see someone getting mugged you...
  10. what do u think ur gonna get?

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Quiz topic: What kind of person am I?