What Kind of Person are You?

Look. This may not be, HEY LOOK! IT'S SUPERMAN AND AND AND ROBIN AND BATMAN AND....... Wait, what were we talking about? Well anyway, I like tacos and apple pie and pickles and soup and monkeys and corn and giraffes and elephants and and ahh forget it!!!!

What do you like? Do you like tacos and apple pie and pickles and soup and monkeys and corn and giraffes and elephants and lawnmowers and Batman and blue and green and red........AND OF COURSE MOUNTAIN DEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Kenzi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you do if it started raining tacos?
  2. If a hobo with a chipmunk ran in front of you screaming, "THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE, SAVE THE CHIPMUNKS!!!!!!!!!!!", what would you do?
  3. What is the answer to y+b?
  4. What do you think describes you?
  5. If you could pick something to fall from the sky, what would it be?
  7. What color are you?
  8. Would You Rather Die By-
  9. Do you have big feet?
  10. What dessert is best; pickles, pumpkin pie, or human heart?

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Person am I?