What Kind of Person Are You?

if you take this quiz you will find out if ur a hard core pimp with a badass additude and deserves a good repuataion,!!! or a cupcake tree hugger that needs to tough up and buff out!!

Are unsure of yourself??? well if you take this test to find out who you are then you will definatly find out who you are, in a short amount of time!!!!!!!

Created by: casey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. favorite drink?
  2. type of shoes?
  3. fav sport?
  4. myspace or facebook?
  5. strait or gay?
  6. broken bones? sprains? dislocations?
  7. y r u taking this quiz
  8. ghetto
  9. future ride?
  10. super hero?

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Person am I?