what kind of ninja are you

there are 3 catagories of ninja corupt(evil) honerable(good) and nuetral(someone who wetn through pain or doesnt take sides in any war)

so you no the catagories lets see wat type of ninja you are. if u dislike my quiz tell me y in the comments section. if you do give a 7-10 stars plz.

Created by: deathstalker
  1. why do you kill?
  2. what do feel inside?
  3. whats your favorite thing to see?
  4. which mortal kombat ninja are you like the most?
  5. what song suits you best?
  6. if you didnt like either songs above dont choose any and choose these
  7. how do you see the world
  8. your walking down the street and see a templar aka bad guy. what do you do?
  9. were do you want to go in afterlife?
  10. what do you think of the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What kind of ninja am I