What kind of musical career is best for you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of musical career is best for you?

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  • Your Result: Hobbiest

    You are a hobbiest! What does this mean? It means that even though you may spend many hours thinking about music and doing it, you would be best off having music as a hobby. You want to earn money and have a good stable income, but you aren't quite ready to do it with music. This doesn't mean you can't get satisfaction from your musical pursuits. You could play in a band on the weekends and make some good money there. Or you could publish songs and other artistic endeavors on the internet for others to see. You may even make some money there and decide to go pro!

    Haha! So true!

    Christs Child
  • Service..... I cant sight read but the rest is true. I actualy wanted to work in sound department or more commenly known as djing. Any way to see other qiezz results? lol. some of this seems more personality wise then talent.

  • Yay! i'm a soloist! actually what i wanted to do...but idk if there will actually be a job for me :)

  • YYAAAAYY!!!!!!!!!!

    art and music

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