What kind of metalhead are you?

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Ahhh metal..... Some people Love it, Some people wish to be it. WHAT ARE YOU!?!?!?.......a poser?? no.... that would be to harsh of an insult right off the bat. take my quiz and find out what you really are young grass smoker.

This quiz is Accurate! so don't answer truthfully if you want to get burned son! just enjoy my quiz like it's a hot trick named tom and see if you qualify in a actual metal genre.

Created by: bitingbullets

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your Jamming out on a dark night on Youtube. what Artist would you most likley be listening too?
  2. some a--hole decides to pick a fight with you, what chu gonna do?
  3. Your Parents s--- Bricks at you from talking back or whatever. What now? woohohoho!
  4. You walk into a CD store. Chose your poison.
  5. what do you do on your spare time?
  6. which of the following best describes your friends?.
  7. I'm hungry... I could really go for....
  8. You hear Miley Cyrus on the radio,
  9. Weapon of Choice?
  10. -FINAL QUESTION- what happends when you die?

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Quiz topic: What kind of metalhead am I?