What Kind of Magic Would You Command?

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Which type of magic would you use if you had any? This quiz will ask you a series of questions and see which type of magic best matches your personality.

Magic is something that is a plot device in countless books, games, movies, shows, and pop culture in general. This quiz would tell you which type you would have if you lived in a fictional world.

Created by: QoToQuiz Person
  1. To start with, what result do you want?
  2. How do you make your money?
  3. Someone is robbing you, and demanding that you give all your money. What do you do?
  4. You come across a person lying on the ground, badly injured. He is asking for help. What do you do?
  5. How do you fight?
  6. What kind of pet would you want?
  7. Which of these best describes you?
  8. Lastly, how did you enjoy this quiz? (This does not affect your score)
  9. I need 10 question :(
  10. last one

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