what kind of little are you (cgl\ddlg quiz)

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this quiz is for those who want to know what kind of little they are (a princess little, a kinky little, a fairy little) if you didn't get the result you wanted or thought you were gonna get, that's okay!

this is just a quiz. at the end of the day YOU are the only one who gets to decide what kind of little they are :) i hope you enjoy this quiz i made for you :)

Created by: nuni
  1. what is your idea of a perfect day?
  2. what is your favorite holiday?
  3. what music do you like to listen to when you're little?
  4. what do you look for in a caregiver?
  5. what is your favorite color?
  6. what are you afraid of most out of these options?
  7. where would you want to live?
  8. what's your favorite little activity
  9. whats some little gear you want
  10. are you baby?

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Quiz topic: What kind of little am I (cgl\ddlg quiz)

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