What kind of Kipo character are you?

This Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts quiz will determine weather you are Kipo, Benson, Wolf, Dave, Mandu, a timber cat, an umlaut snake, or a mod frog.

there are 13 questions ; ) each one will have 6 - 8 answers. WARNING DO NOT TAKE IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE SHOW thank you for taking this quiz have a great day (i just put those cuz i had no idea what to put here LOL)

Created by: Cam T.K.H
  1. First off, what gender are you/ what are your pronouns?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. you meet a mega bunny baby, what do you do?
  4. you come up to a snake, what do you do?
  5. its your birthday! what do you do?
  6. You want to ask someone out. What do you do?
  7. Someone asks you to join HAMUFA (Human And Mute Ultimate Friendship Alliance) what do you say?
  8. Scarlemane is forcing you to go to his coronation, "Or else". What do you say?
  9. you see a big orange glob on a map. what do you hope it is? (this is a weird question i know.)
  10. I bet you are getting tired of weird questions. here's an easy one that you'll see in lots of personality quizzes, what are you often described as?
  11. what is your favorite number
  12. what would be the worst to live without
  13. what is your favorite funny quote from the show?

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Quiz topic: What kind of Kipo character am I?
