what kind of kid are you?

"are you a nice kid? lets find out! thanks to this quiz, youll find out! ( if you take it! ) lets hope for the best for you and your freinds!!!!!!!!!!

share this quiz with your friends and family! i hope your ending resault is wonderful! if you have any comments please comment under the quiz! thank you!!

Created by: marleigh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you where glasses?
  2. do you get lunch detentions? what for?
  3. do you get made fun of alot?
  4. are you agressive?
  5. do you listen to your parents?
  6. are you known as the "good kid" in your class?
  7. how many friends do you have?
  8. what do you do if a kid calls you a name?
  9. do you gossip?
  10. do your friends gossip?

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Quiz topic: What kind of kid am I?