What Kind Of Horse Are You? | Comments

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  • What Kind Of Horse Are You?
    Your Result: You are a Quarter Horse!

    sensible, and smart, Quarter Horses are known for their play in western riding. From barrel racing, to bronco, they can do it all. They not only do a lot of western riding, but you can find quarter horses anywhere, from the dressage ring, to the race track!

  • Appaloosa, I have a REALLY bad temper, and little kids are REALLY annoying (thank my sibling 4 that) but otherwise, it's a s close as u can get to a pinto here, so AWESOME QUIZ!

  • Arabian! Yay!

  • difinitely not an appaloosa. so glad i didn't get arabian. i hate them so much. they are ugly and flighty.

  • oh my goodness! the kind of horse i am,an Appoloosa acording to this quiz, describes me perfectly! great quiz!


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