What kind of guy is for you?

What kind of guy is for you? What's you're TYPE? What kind of guy is for you? What's you're TYPE? What kind of guy is for you? What's you're TYPE? What kind of guy is for you? What's you're TYPE? What kind of guy is for you? What's you're TYPE? What kind of guy is for you? What's you're TYPE?

When filling this out, you can have a specific guy in mind or just fantasize! Have FUN! When filling this out, you can have a specific guy in mind or just fantasize! Have FUN! When filling this out, you can have a specific guy in mind or just fantasize! Have FUN! When filling this out, you can have a specific guy in mind or just fantasize! Have FUN!

Created by: lady

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're at an ice rink. You and your friend. You see him kinda checking you out... Who breaks the ice?
  2. In school (assume you're not there) he sits...
  3. Before ever meeting, you pass by in the halls and make eye contact...
  4. How would he ask you out?
  5. What's FIRST in importance level?
  6. Do you think that someone HAS to be attractive for YOU to like them?
  7. Build...?
  8. When he hugs you...?
  9. What's your first date like?
  10. If you had to say, what have most of you're boyfriends been like?

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