What Kind Of God or Goddess Would You Be?

There are lots of people in the world who love different kinds of Greek gods. This test provides answers to what kind of god or goddess you are most like.

Are you like the god of fire? Beauty? War? Dead? Earth? Anything? Well the questions are going to be answered in just a few seconds, so CLICK AWAY fellow testers ;)

Created by: Jessie
  1. God question!! If you see a dangerous animal lying on the ground, wounded badly, you would...
  2. If you had a fight with your friend you would...
  3. If you had to go somewhere you didn't want to go, you would...
  4. God question!! If you were to go to war, you would...
  5. If you were to choose a look, what would it be?
  6. God question!! If you were assigned to kill an animal, you would...
  7. If you lost a game to another person, you would...
  8. If you hate someone in your class, you would...
  9. If you humiliated yourself in front of lots of people you would...
  10. If you had a pet, what would it be?
  11. Last question; If you were to describe yourself, it would be...

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