What kind of girl your crush?
There are many people out there but what kind is yours? Enter this quiz and you know you'll get the right results just remember to have fun!(Note this was actually looked into by some friends anyways this is mostly from a interesting perspective so please enjoy!) I would just like to take a moment and say (not like most people even read this anyway) that i want to thank my friends for inspiring us to do this so thank you guys out there so much :)
Although the title suggest otherwise this is a boy/girl quiz enjoy! SO have you found the right one knowbody will know unless you take this quiz good luck! Okay i know this needs an honest heart so please don't take it just as some dumb screw of quiz bye! as i'm saying this is just a fun way to motivate people of all kind to try some quizzes even though theres not likely all going to be true but they can help.