What kind of gamer are you

Are you a gamer!Than do this quiz to find outTurtlesAlright let's do this quiz,get ready!You got this I know you can do this!Get ready!Here we go!Roll it!

Do you have enough juice to become awesome well do this quiz and very one died!I mean All your dreams will come. True!abelieve me it does work I did it once!

Created by: James DiCrsitoforo
  1. What snack do you like
  2. What is your favorite game series
  3. How do you like to play video games?
  4. How many siblings do you have?
  5. How old are you?
  6. Are you a
  7. Are you
  8. Best movie
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Goodbye

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Quiz topic: What kind of gamer am I