What kind of gamer are you?

*NOTE: this is about video games, and when I say "games" that is what I'm referring to.* This quiz is to see what kind of games that you play or that suit you best.

Do you like video games? I know I do. Don't you want to know what games are best for you? Take this quiz to find out now! Video games are awesome!

Created by: Unikat2

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What would you rather be doing?
  2. Continued from first question.
  3. Where would you rather be right now?
  4. Continued from Question 5. (last time I do this)
  5. If you had a friend that was in a car accident, what would you do?
  6. When I say heart, what do you think of?
  7. Are you considered smart?
  8. How do you feel about games?
  9. Why do you like games?
  10. What can you do that most other people can't?
  11. Out of these, which is your favourite food?
  12. Which are you more like?
  13. Last Question

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Quiz topic: What kind of gamer am I?