What kind of gamer are you?

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this is a quiz to see what kind of gamer you are. are you a lazy type, pro type, toxic type or just a big noob. do the quiz and find out. goodluck gamers.

okay this is a filler page cuz it is being annoying. do the quiz skip this part. stop reading just start. i said start. why you still reading. its not a book!

Created by: DoGamer_YT
  1. your playing a game online and you have been killed in a way thats very sad what you do?
  2. you thinking of what game to play
  3. your friend asks you to help him train for a online gaming tournement. it is the first time you play that game yourself aswell.
  4. you opened call of duty and want to start playing but you struggling to choose what. in the end you choose but what ?
  5. how many hours you play games a day
  6. what game styles you like to play mostly?
  7. your in a online minecraft world. what item you wanna have the most?
  8. your bored what to do?
  9. a player killed you in a online survival game. he took your stuff and tells your trash. what you do?
  10. what do you think your gonna get

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Quiz topic: What kind of gamer am I?
