what kind of friends do you or will have?

this is a quiz to determine whether the friends that you have are nice or not nice people to be around they could like you or not but from a person that has been through friendship problems this is probably the right quiz for you.

i am 11 years old and i am currently in primary school, i have had friendship problems for a while now but i thought that people should deserve to have friends and not be lonely so i decided to make this so you kniw if you may lose or be able to keep your friends

Created by: galaxygirl
  1. how old are you?
  2. when texting do you write abbreviations when writing to each other? e.g. though-tho
  3. what is your gender?
  4. where do you normally meet?
  5. how famous are you on a scale of 1-5? (school or work anywhere where you are social)
  6. out of our friend group what do they describe you as?
  7. who makes all the decisions?
  8. how many friends do you roughly have?
  9. do you enjoy where you are in life?
  10. did you get all your friends to meet or someone else?
  11. if you could die would you?
  12. do you feel left out of your friends' group?

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Quiz topic: What kind of friends do I or will have?

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