What kind of friend are you?

Ofcourse the tumbalose club is a club where you make new internet friends from all over the world so take this quiz and find out if there are other people just like you.Do you have friends take the quiz like every one else! you never knoe who you might meet apon! have fun with the quiz

Are you a nice person? are you quiet or bold? do you like to chill some times? take the quiz and find others like you.you never knoe who you might meet apon! have fun with the quiz

Created by: Tumbalose
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. At the end of a discussion you realize that...
  2. you are on the road with friends and you become hungry you say...
  3. your group science project is due for tommorrow what do you do?
  4. You have an interesting or relevant point...
  5. You are in a group discussion and you know that one person in the group knows a lot about the topic, but he/she is quiet and shy and can't get into the conversation.what do i do
  6. What kind of trends do you like?
  7. what sub. do you excell in most?
  8. Your most hated on person just fell what do you do?
  9. What do you consider yourself to be
  10. Do your friends like you

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Quiz topic: What kind of friend am I?