What kind of food do you like?

I made five "groups" of food that you can get that you like. For example, two were "junky" and "savory." They are not the real five food groups like dairy, grains, ect.

I have nothing to say but I'm required to write a paragraph here. Soo...hi. I like ice cream. Also, It is close to halloween. Yay! Candy! Okay, well, bye.

Created by: Hiiammyself
  1. Let's see. What do you like the most out of these?
  2. Which one of these describes what you like more? Remember I said what you LIKE, not what you actually EAT.
  3. Would you call yourself a healthy eater?
  4. Good or bad in taste: Cupcakes
  5. Good or bad in health: (In your opinion) Cupcakes.
  6. The 2nd, and last, yes or no question: Does sweet reign over all?
  7. Another one of these. Which do you like the most?
  8. Tell me something random about food
  9. Okay, last real question: Junk, health, or in-between?
  10. How do you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What kind of food do I like?
