What kind of flirt are you?

This is mostly satirical and also probably going to get banned so try and document this experience and if your sdomeone mentioned in the answers doing this quiz waddup

very short, easy, and funny quiz that will provide you with 100% correct answers everytime even if you lie because im always watchhing. idk what else to put btw you should listen to bimbocore

Created by: gyatt
  1. You see a girl at the club what do you do?
  2. What dating sight would you use to met someone?
  3. Oh No! Your date ghosted you what do you do?
  4. your date just revealed that they are a serial cheater what do you do?
  5. Your dream date just walked in the bar you go up and ask them out but they say they are gay how do you respond
  6. Your date asked you what you do for a job what do you say
  7. things are getting hot in the bedroom what do you do to make the mood even better?
  8. after a long night out you and your date head back to your place what do you do to unwind
  9. who is your biggest hear me out?
  10. did you like my quiz ;)

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Quiz topic: What kind of flirt am I?
