What Kind of Fascist Are You?

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This quiz will ascertain what category under fascism you belong to. The presumption is that the test-taker already self identifies as a fascist, while being aware of its socialistic and quasi-nationalistic aspects.

Those who are well-read on the varieties of fascism might slide into their quiz's result with ease. Those who ascribe to fascism but are not entirely familiar with its categories or variety might be surprised to learn where they fall on the spectrum, so to speak. The available results meet the limit this website allows. I would have included at least one or two more, otherwise.

Created by: Deebs
  1. Monarchy, with its relation to fascism...
  2. I am a staunch nationalist, and I don't want a civilizational State, even if it means such an empire would be a fascist one.
  3. I am against petty nationalism, and see nationalism only as a precursor to a very necessary civilizational-State or Imperium.
  4. "I do not hide my admiration for the state work of Mao Tse-Tung and my interest in the fundamental direction of Chinese politics, which continues the grandiose objective of breaking the colonial grip in which the systems arose in the 1945, in the just freedom of four continents."
  5. Race...
  6. Hitler was divine, to such a degree that I personally believe he was the reincarnation of a Hindu or pagan god.
  7. I am more of a Traditionalist, despite my strong fascist leanings, and I wholly reject the futurist influence on Italian Fascism. I am grateful that German National Socialism lacked influence from the disgusting view that is Marinetti's futurist ideology. Fascism is better when synthesized with Traditionalism as much as is humanly possible.
  8. Fixation toward phenotypes to such a degree as to marginalize most of our race or people is a mental illness. While certain physical looks might be ideal, there is no true thing as pure race when it comes to the matter of biology. If we are German, "Nordic" is a state of thinking and not a pure blood to be held up above others. If we are Italian, "Roman" is an ideal, not a pure set of blood better than others. So on and so forth.
  9. Blood carries the memory of a race, and in it, you can find culture. By breeding together such people, and increasing their quantity in our State, you thus increase the chances of making a new majority of people who embody our true values.This is how we make "the new man", or the ideal man or woman.
  10. Stalin was a Red Fascist. In other words, after some analyzing, it appears to be the case that Stalinism is closer to fascism than what we understood to be "Jewish communism" or Trotskyism. With this in mind, Hitler's critique of Soviet communism is outdated.
  11. Anglos are the "real Jews", and they are the real arbiters of Aryan culture.
  12. God had another prophet, and his name was William Dudley Pelley.
  13. The Abrahamic religions (Christianity, including Catholicism, and Islam) are incompatible with true Fascism or National Socialism. Paganism, or its blood relative Hinduism, are the only religions capable of representing the Nietzschean spirit of our political philosophy.
  14. Democracy is fully compatible with fascism, as long as every single liberal ailment that is generally associated with it is removed. Fascism is True Democracy.
  15. Who were the first Aryans?
  16. American fascism should be Anglo-centric.
  17. National Socialism or Fascism should concern itself with the establishment of a new Hyperborea that is back to the roots of paganism. I emphasize the pagan aspect.
  18. Racism and its relation to Fascism and National Socialism does not devalue other races, but seeks to improve the race that carries either political perspective. In this sense, racism as we understand it carries a different definition than the modern one.
  19. I know who Oswald Mosley is, and I agree with him the most, as a fascist.
  20. I ascribe to William Dudley Pelley's concept of the Christian Commonwealth, and I see the Silver Legion of America as the greatest and most necessary form of fascism.
  21. The phrase "Nazi-Maoism" is appealing to me, as a fascist.
  22. I am fully aware of Mussolini's foreign policy towards certain Slavs, Serbians, and other eastern Europeans to the right of Italy, and I have come to the conclusion that...
  23. As a fascist, I am more of a syndicalist than a corporatist, on the subject of economics. Syndicalism is a better form of socialism than corporatism, the latter being a part of the Italian model, which I critique.
  24. Heinrich Himmler's version or perspective of National Socialism was slightly more appropriate than Adolf Hitler's. I am aware of the slight nuances in their views, and I can say that I agree more with Himmler's esotericism than Hitler's pragmatism.
  25. Islam and volkish religions are more suitable religions than Christianity, when it concerns fascism or national socialism.
  26. Save the monarchy, preserve the monarchy, and keep it alongside fascism.
  27. When I say that I want Fascist Democracy, I mean that I do want occasional voting, and not just some voting. And, I do not see True Democracy as a consequence of totalitarian rule under a dictatorship of the State or workers - I want voting in my Fascist Democracy.
  28. Our political party should be elitist, meaning that it should not be mandatory to make every last member of society a part of our party. Otherwise, we lower the standards of our party by bringing in those whose views could be contrary to ours, among other risks.
  29. I use the SS as a model for my politics.
  30. "Classical Fascists" are the Left-Coms of our movement. They deracinate fascism without realizing it, and to our great detriment, by mischaracterizing Fascism and National Socialism. They lie about Mussolini and pretend he was a wholesome non-racist, and believe the mainstream narrative about Hitler, which is vulgar and ridiculous.
  31. My synthesis between monarchy and fascism has no room for democracy in nearly any sense of the term.
  32. "Freedom is liberty from the enslavement of the bourgeois economy, from the mercantile plutocracy." This statement needs to be the driving force of our fascism, even if it means that we overlap into the realm of communism, or a certain interpretation of communism.
  33. I have admiration for the structure that existed within the Teutonic Knights to such a degree that I wish to shape a political order along similar lines. (This particular does not sway the religious likelihood of the test-taker one way or another; the main focus has to do with Traditionalism almost along religious lines or lack thereof - the religious perspective of the actual original Teutonic Knights bears no relevance here).
  34. I bear some influence from Sergei Taboritsky.
  35. The birth of material and quantitative science relates to causes profoundly rooted in and to certain limits of theological formulations of Latin Christianity. This demonstrates that the unlimited and blind application of science in the West is due to the fact that “Christianity is a religion without a Sacred Law."
  36. I am against private property in totality, as well as private land ownership, even if both of these things were to come under State control to render the private aspects irrelevant; that approach is not enough. All land that could potentially be called private in one form or another should be made public in every conceivable way. This does not include something like pencils, mugs or menial consumable crap. This refers to all land within the State, period.
  37. In order to bring about genuine revolution capable of setting the foundations for which fascism can grow upon, we have to either inspire an intense violent revolution or commit one ourselves. In order for things to get better, things need to get worse, and I support the idea of bringing our liberal society to a state of being worse so that it can collapse, thus making room for myself and my comrades to come in, take over, and implement our politics. In this sense, I am an accelerationist.
  38. No act (even one not expressly stated) of an injurious, and thus, criminal, nature to the popular order of the state will escape punishment. Penalties will consist of forced labor; for the most grave crimes against the popular order of the state and public property, the death penalty will be expected. Something akin to the gulag system comes to mind, when it comes to such people; I use the Red East as my inspiration for this in particular.
  39. I want slave labor as a part of State socialism. I don't necessarily think that we should enslave random people, or innocent people in general. But, those who are among the dregs of society, among the lowest caste (after being judged properly in accordance with their character), should be placed into a state of servitude for the greater good. Otherwise, should they be "free", society is at risk of having incompetent people in positions that are above their intelligence or abilities. Hitlerian concentration camps, Stalinist gulags - these are things that did not take slave socialism far enough. I want to enslave the minds of these otherwise incapable people as well as their bodies, for their own good, and the good of my race or people.
  40. I adopt the caste system as it is described in the earliest Vedic scriptures because I think it is a good model for sustaining socialism, as long as socialism is never betrayed. At the very bottom are people who cannot be trusted to be in any role other than slavery. I take this to the furthest extreme to support my esoteric leanings.

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