What kind of fart are you

Everybody farts...some worse than others..Are you are Rose OR a STICK BOMB?

How do you fart? Do you have the power to knock over a lamp and 100 people at the same time or do you just Puff and people laugh..Take this quiz and you will find out!!

Created by: mo
  1. Do you like spicy food?
  2. Are you prone to gas?
  3. Do you eat a lot of vegetables?
  4. Are you a vegetarian?
  5. Do you like Chinese Food
  6. Do you eat Big meals
  7. How are your normal farts?? With out Food!
  8. Do you like the smell of your own farts??
  9. Do you like to play Covered Wagon or Dutch Oven?
  10. Did you like this Quiz?

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Quiz topic: What kind of fart am I