What kind of Elven Dragon Rider are you quiz

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Who are you young elf? in a world of mystery and beauty, what do you do with yourself, are you out for trouble or not, are you a good elf or an elf with your own interest.

Are you daring enough to find out who you are and what dragon you have and what you might do? then take this quiz and find out, find your adventure!!!!

Created by: Jaina
  1. Are you male or female
  2. What kind or person are you
  3. What type of Elf are you
  4. What is you weapon
  5. What does your dragon look like
  6. What does your dragon shoot
  7. what color is your dragon
  8. Is your dragon a girl or boy
  9. Where did you meet
  10. Are you a good elf or not

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Quiz topic: What kind of Elven Dragon Rider am I quiz
